Thursday, February 21, 2013

Avoiding Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity

The illnesses of chemical sensitivity and Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity (EHS) seem to be related and individuals sometimes suffer from both conditions. I developed EHS about two or three years after I became chemically sensitive. Those with EHS have symptoms when exposed to certain frequencies of electromagnetic radiation. For example, I have pain in my hands when I use a computer keyboard. The longer I use it, the more pain I experience. Consequently, I can generally only use a computer for a couple of hours per day.

I believe it is a good idea for those with chemical sensitivity to limit their exposure to electrical devices as much as is possible or practical, especially avoiding devices that produce powerful electromagnetic fields. By taking steps to limit ones exposure to electromagnetic radiation, it may be that a person with chemical sensitivity can avoid developing EHS. With the knowledge I now have, here are the steps I might take to lessen my exposure to electromagnetic radiation:
  • Eliminate or limit microwave use. Try to stay far away from a microwave when it is on. Microwaves are one of the most powerful sources of electromagnetic radiation for me.
  • Limit computer use. This is hard to do when you use a computer to work from home.
  • Limit television and radio. Speakers are powerful electromagnets. Keep the volume low and avoid headphones. As far as televisions and computer monitors, LCDs have been better for me than CRTs. I have heard that LED backlit monitors are better than LCDs but I have not tried an LED monitor.
  • Switch from wireless to wired internet and computer networks. This one step made a big difference for me.
  • Limit phone use, especially cell phones. Using a speaker phone is better than having the phone next to your ear and your hand. It is better not to carry a cell phone in your pocket or near you if it is on.
  • Avoid or limit exposure to devices with powerful electric motors: hybrid cars, vacuum cleaners, blenders, electric tools (e.g. saws, drills), etc.
  • Avoid electric shavers.
  • Avoid living near high voltage power lines.
  • Avoid sleeping near electrical equipment.
  • Turn off electrical devices such as computers when not in use.
  • Avoid electric blankets.
  • Avoid infrared such as infrared saunas.
  • Use electromagnetic shielding or other equipment to limit exposure to electromagnetic fields. I have purchased electromagnetic shielding materials from the following site:
   Shop EMF protection and shielding at

Shop EMF Meters & Shielding

I also have a blog entitled Tips for Living with Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity:

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