Homesick: Living with Multiple Chemical Sensitivities 2013 [NR]
I recently watched this movie online through Amazon. It cost $1.99 to rent and was 56 minutes.
"Imagine your home is making you dangerously sick. You could be one of the millions suffering from Multiple Chemical Sensitivities (MCS). Susan Abod hits the road to discover how people with MCS are able to find safe housing. Join Susan as she discovers how people are coping with this 21st century illness." ( product description)
This video primarily covers a narrow but important issue for those with multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS): finding safe housing. The documentary was well done and truly evokes compassion for those unable to find suitable housing because of MCS. This video could provide some ideas for housing options for those with extreme MCS. In the video, Susan Abod (who has MCS), and her camera person, go on a roadtrip in the Southwest of the United States and interview various individuals with MCS in Texas, New Mexico, and Arizona.